Dr Paul Morrison is an experienced London based psychiatrist, who has expertise across a wide range of psychiatric disorders. He is available for private consultation by anyone suffering from mental health problems. As an academic psychiatrist, Paul follows the best, most modern and most evidenced based practice.
Treatment packages are tailored towards an individual’s specific needs and delivered within a collaborative, compassionate, non-judgemental therapeutic relationship. He also believes that the best approach is in working closely with carers and family members, if this is feasible. Paul writes a blog to provide starightforward, readable accounts of developments in psychiatry, which informs best practice.
Paul’s service includes the following areas of expertise:
• The assessment and treatment of common mental health problems, such as depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, psychoses, ADHD and addiction.
• Expert opinion on the genesis of particular mental health problems, framed in terms of contemporary neuroscience.
• The assessment and treatment of problems arising from the use of club drugs, cannabis and the so-called ‘legal highs’.
• Expert opinion on psychopharmacological treatments.
Paul offers psychiatric appointments in London. He can also provide appointments on-line via Skype or Face-Time.