Cannabidiol (CBD) softens the effect of THC (again).

DataRemixed-Logo45Congratulations to Dave Nutt, Val Curran and their colleagues at Imperial and UCL. Following on from their groundbreaking studies of MDMA on channel 4, they have now repeated the same format with cannabis.

Running live psychopharmacology studies on television is not for the faint hearted, but it offers a unique way to impart public health knowledge in a way which is lively and captures the imagination. And the visual element works well.

The personal testimony of Jon Snow and the other participants was particularly revealing. The channel 4 experiments on cannabis demonstrated that CBD can inhibit the tendency for THC to produce paranoid thinking, a finding that was in complete agreement with two previous studies at the Institute of Psychiatry a few years back.

1. Does CBD inhibit THC?
2. Cannabidiol inhibits THC-elicited paranoid symptoms

All the evidence points in the same direction, skunk cannabis [high THC, zero CBD] is more hazardous for mental health than traditional cannabis [equivalent CBD & THC]. The community-based studies in psychiatric clinics and the experimental studies in the lab are in complete agreement on this point [link]. CBD softens the effect of THC again and again.

Trendy Psychiatric Research: A need to sanitise hubris and bad faith?

An article in the Times by Dorothy Bishop explores some of the problems in biomedical research which arise from the obsession with high-impact journals and expensive grants.

monopoly boardHer critique is especially apt in the case of the physical basis of mental illness, in which researchers seeking fame and fortune must master the storytelling arts of simplicity, metaphor and metonymy. Those seeking H-impact & lucre must stay “on message” and above all, never stray into the chaos of imperfect methods and noisy data.

Bishop concludes with a warning, that the relentless focus on publishing in prestigious journals encourages…

1. Over-claiming the significance of research findings.

2. Leaving important, but contradictory results unpublished.

Hubris is the orientation of the former, bad faith the foundation of the latter.

“…what changes everything is the fact that in bad faith it is from myself that I am hiding the truth“.

Why NMDA drugs keep failing in schizophrenia.

nmda receptor

The NMDA receptor. Glutamate and glycine are required for NMDA receptor activation. Activation involves the opening of a channel allowing calcium and sodium ions to flow into the neuron. Recent attempts to translate NMDA pharmacology into the clinic have focussed on the glycine site.

Twenty years ago it all looked so promising. The model was as follows: Learning and memory were clearly being driven by activity at the glutamate NMDA receptor. Boost the NMDA receptor by pharmacological means, and perhaps intellectual performance could be improved above baseline. The hope was that an NMDA enhancer might work in schizophrenia, which many had come to regard as a disorder of cognition. Yet the story has not played out as anticipated. The latest generation of NMDA enhancers, like their predecessors, has failed in schizophrenia [link]. And it is looking increasingly likely that the basic model [boost NMDA -> boost intellectual functioning] was overtly simplistic.

long term potentiation

Long Term Potentiation (LTP) is induced by NMDA receptor activation. The mechanism of early-phase LTP involves the enhancement of AMPA receptor conductances and insertion of new AMPA receptors into the post-synaptic membrane.

An recent review article by Collingridge and colleagues is worthy of study. Back in 1983, Collingridge had shown that activation of the glutamate NMDA receptor was the initial catalyst for the process of LTP (long-term-potentiation). At that time glutamate was only just gaining entry to the neurotransmitter club, whereas LTP [a process in which excitatory synapses become and remain stronger] had achieved fame ten years earlier as a likely substrate for learning and memory in nervous systems.

The discovery of NMDA-dependent LTP, as the phenomena came to be known, was the stimulus for an enormous, worldwide research effort into glutamate neurobiology. Since then, our knowledge of NMDA receptors has advanced, to the point where the complexity can be overwhelming [figure below]. But the medicines have not materialised. The biology appears to be several orders more complex than the model. Is that why the drugs have failed? In any case, the model [boost NMDA -> boost intellectual functioning] can now be safely abandoned with little risk of missing a major therapeutic breakthrough.

Intracellular modulation of NMDA receptors

Sites of intracellular modulation of NMDARs. Schematic representation of the distribution of selected posttranslational regulatory sites on the intracellular C-terminal domains of NMDAR subunits. Properties such as channel gating, receptor desensitisation and receptor shuttling are modulated by phosphorylation at key residues. Collingridge et al 2013


Recently the NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health], the main funder of mental health research in the world, announced that they would no longer support clinical trials of new drugs unless there was a clear mechanistic advance at the same time:

“a positive result will require not only that an intervention ameliorated a symptom, but that it had a demonstrable effect on a target, such as a neural pathway implicated in the disorder or a key cognitive operation.”

The NMDA receptor story calls the logic of this approach into question. That story is the archetypal case in which a mechanism was clearly defined, and well supported after decades of preclinical research. Indeed the mechanism [the model] had become so appealing that many were reluctant to abandon it, even as it was becoming obvious that the therapeutics were not going to work. An overhaul of drug discovery in psychiatry is needed, but it will require to be more realistic than solving mechanism and efficacy problems concurrently. Pulling back the bureaucracy, the inflated costs and the micromanagement could be a more fruitful intervention.

Is CBT really ineffective for schizophrenia? – 2 rounds: Marquis of Queensbery Rules

CBT-for-Psychosis-Final-Poster399x282In the UK the National Institute of Clinical & Health Excellence (NICE) has recommended that the treatment of psychosis should include cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). As a result CBT has been ‘rolled out’ for people suffering schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders.

But the efficacy of CBT in schizophrenia has been challenged. A recent paper in the British Journal of Psychiatry has argued that the returns of CBT are small, and if the highest standards of the clinical trial are applied, any benefits disappear into nothingness. Not surprisingly – given the stakes – there has been a robust counter argument in favour of CBT for schizophrenia.

Ahead of a forthcoming Maudsley debate, the protagonists have made their case in a ‘head to head’ article published in the British Medical Journal [available here]. This is the preamble to the main event, a tag-match involving two rounds of ‘live action’, between…

in the Blue corner: CBT critics

Peter McKenna, Research Psychiatrist, Barcelona &                                                         Keith Laws, Professor of Cognitive Neuropsychology, University of Hertfordshire

& in the red corner: CBT defenders

David Kingdon, Professor of Mental Health Care Delivery, University of Southampton Peter Kinderman, Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Liverpool

(& your match referee: Professor Sir Robin Murray FRS)                                                                    

Calcium dynamics & psychiatric illness.

calcium transientsThe alpha subunit of the L-type calcium channel (CaV1.2) is encoded by the gene CACNA1C. An apparently obscure protein, CaV1.2 has risen to prominence in the last five years.

Several large scale genome-wide association (GWAS) studies are in agreement that variation in CACNA1C is associated with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Additionally, mutations in CACNA1C are a direct cause of autism. As a consequence, Ca2+ signalling has begun to receive attention amongst psychiatrists.

A recent review by Michael Berridge is the ideal introduction to Ca2+ dynamics. Calcium does not only enter cells via channels. There are intracellular stores, which can be stimulated to release Ca2+ into the cytosol. Neurotransmitters such as serotonin, noradrenaline and glutamate can invoke the release of Ca2+  from intracellular stores by way of an intermediate 2nd messenger pathway, the phosphatidylinositol 4,5 biphosphate (PIP2) system. Berridge is best known for having deciphered the foundations of the PIP2 system in the 1980’s and as such he is an authoratative guide for the relevance of calcium signalling to psychiatric disorders.

The full paper is available here.